Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Pants & Fights

Last night Jessica (Ford, costume designer extraordinaire) stopped by with three pairs of pants for us to try. They're customized rave pants--super-big red numbers with lots of pockets, and they make a delicious swishing sound when you move. In addition to fitting them to our various bodies, Jessica has made them unique to each character, mostly by removing parts--they were full of fabric to begin with. The result is a basic, uniform quality that still expresses something specific for each person. This is really ideal when you're trying to create another world. That way we all fit together, but without blurring the essential differences between individuals. And there's more customizing to come: hidden features, transforming zippers...super-fun stuff. We may post a little teaser up here before long. We need a little visual pizzazz around here.

We've also been working on the fight between Sam Nash and the Envoy from Spain, Jorge Vasquez. We've got it basically blocked, and it's pretty vicious. (Let me say, JP Higgins is not someone to mess with.) I'm excited to see how it changes once the music & sounds are added.

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